Magic Ring Holders

Imagine you want to take your rings off for a bit – to wash dishes, to garden, to give a massage – and hang them on your necklace. These let you do that without unclasping the chain! Video here (please note I’m trying to move away from Etsy, but I do have a variety inContinueContinue reading “Magic Ring Holders”


A sudden divorce left me hurt and adrift… Art therapy to the rescue! By the time I finished these 4 pieces, most of my anger had dissipated. A year later, I’m now happily living my best life. 🙂 I believe the 6th stage of grief is “Recovery and Growth!” $75 each.

Spoons, Interrupted

Above: Garnet floral spoon pendant $80. Horizontal necklace with amethyst $120. Why spoons?Many reasons…First, think about a wealthy home in the late 1800s- early 1900s. You may recall scenes in books or movies where “the silver” was mentioned, either because a desperate servant ran off with it, or because the household fell on hard timesContinueContinue reading “Spoons, Interrupted”